June 10th, 11-11:20am

“Better Health for Today's Youth.”
Fitness In Transit focuses on before, during, and after school enrichment courses that support school day programs core curriculum. FIT also offers instruction for special events such as birthdays, one-time workshops, and summer camp activities.
FIT programs give children a chance to learn valuable life skills, including but not limited to: improvement of gross motor development, increased mental and physical confidence, development of essential teamwork and cooperation skills, healthy and active habits, as well as the discovery new interests and talents.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What classes do you offer?
We offer Gymnastics, Creative Movement, Theater Arts, and Circus Arts, as well as, Yoga, Martial Arts and more. See our program page for a complete list of offerings.
Where are your classes?
Our classes take place at elementary schools and preschools in the East Bay, Marin County, and San Francisco. At some schools classes take place during the school day, while at others, classes take place during after-school programs. Each instructor will bring equipment and materials necessary for class.
Do the parents or schools pay the fee?
At some sites, parents register and pay FIT directly and at other sites the host school handles payments. Contact FIT or check with your school administration to find out the policy at your school.
Can my child join mid-session?
Yes! We are happy to pro-rate tuition to allow any child to join at any time. Our program is designed to help children with all levels of experience so late entry will not be a problem.
Will there be a time when I can watch my child's class?
There is a show in the spring of each year when parents get a chance to watch their kids in action. It is also possible to sit in on your child's class. Contact FIT to schedule an observation day.
Are students insured for injury sustained during a FIT class?
Though we have never had any serious injury occur in a FIT class, your child will be covered for liability insurance under the K&K Insurance Company. This insurance pays over and above what your insurance does not cover.
FAQ's for the online registration system, ClassJuggler:
I clicked the class I wish register for, so why does it not show the full amount that I owe?
Once you choose the class you wish to enroll in, it must be approved on the administration side before you can see the balance and make a payment. You will receive an email notification when this is done so you know you can continue with your payment.
I was able to pay the registration fee, so why was I not charged for the full class fee automatically?
Once you choose the class you wish to enroll in, it must be approved on the administration side before you can make the payment.Even if you paid the registration fee, you will need to log back in the system in order to complete the full session payment.

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